• General
  • May 23, 2018
  • 4 minutes read

Self-Driving cars can now make speedy decisions in lane changes thanks to new research

image credit: MIT News MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Researchers have developed a new algorithm which lets self-driving…

image credit: MIT News

MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Researchers have developed a new algorithm which lets self-driving cars make lane changes swiftly, accurately and easily.

The new algorithms will use less information but faster application to make self-driving cars capable of making emergency and swift lane changes to improve autonomous cars’ handling of emergency situations to make them more adaptive to current road driving.

Previous algorithm solutions to this were based on complex information bombarded models that provided less time to the cars to take decisions on lane changes during speedy and unexpected situations or some were just too limited in deductions to make good decisions while on the road.

MIT aimed to change that with the goal of doing as much as possible with the least information required and effective and they have made a huge step in that through the development of this new system.

With this new algorithm, Vehicles will be able to make human-centrist decisions during fast traffic on roads and highways leading to a very safer and more intelligent form of transport for passengers in autonomous vehicles. This algorithm guarantees collision avoidance while changing lanes through the use of very mathematically efficient calculations to make this safe decisions beginning with a logistic function which is multiplied by the vehicle’s Gaussian distribution which defines the vehicle’s buffer zone with a very simple computerized calculation to determine the lanes it will change to.

According to MIT News, This system was tested on 16 autonomous vehicles on highways with positive results emerging from this tests.

MIT has been notably a major player in the advancement in technology concerning many fields uniquely in the new game-changing fields of drone technology, autonomous and flying vehicles and smart systems. Just last week, The Techie also profiled MIT’s training of drones using Virtual Reality headsets just like humans would use which proved to be really amazing and innovative, We should now expect more innovations and also join in this movement along with other researchers, institutions and other technology companies from all around the globe doing this.

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